Friday, January 12, 2007

My new little Niece - Rachel Hagan

Last Thanksgiving, my bother-in-law and his wife has a little girl. While we were in town for the holiday, I managed to grab some video of her.

On the video you will see my wife (who is due in Feb 07) and you can hear me getting on my son for touching the baby.. heh. (He hadn't washed his hands, and at that age, you can never tell where they had been.)

Enjoy the video

Video: Rachel Hagan

Mac Spoof Commercial

Ha! I am trying out the new Microsoft Soapbox beta (invitation only) Anywho, while I was uploading my video, I watched this "Mac Spoof" commercial. Pretty hilarious! Check it out.

Warning: Some R Language

Thursday, January 11, 2007

Ryne on Youtube

So, we are on our way back from dinner and my nephew Ryne was showing us his freakish talent. Kinda like something that you would see on Jay Leno's "Teenage Wasteland". So anyways, we thought that it would be cool to film it and put it on Youtube.

After I took the video, I started up the trusty Adobe premier and added some music to it. Here is the completed project. Pretty funny!

Pu-erh Tea

So, a friend of mine in China hooked me up with some Pu-erh tea. (He owns a tea/import business) I have read the sites and it looks promising.

Pu-erh tea is considered to be a "slimming tea" in China. When I asked him about the popular "Wu-long" Or Oolong tea that is being marketed here as a weight loss tea. He informed me that it was a joke. None of the Chinese use that tea as a "slimming" tea. And it's a rip off! Good think I didn't buy any.

The tea is pretty good. I had a some this morning. It's a dark tea and it's a perfect replacement to my morning coffee. Though it doesn't have as much caffeine in is as the coffee did, I think that it will be a great replacement.

A new beginning (again)

So, here I go. I am doing what millions of other people are doing for new years. I am going on a diet. And this time I hope to succeed.

I decided to join Nutrisystem to help aid in my weight loss goals. A few years ago, I was on Jenny Craig and lost a lot of weight. But, after years of binge eating and drinking whatever I wanted, the weight came back. So, this is my journey. There will be ups and downs along this road, but I can do it. :)